Title: Solution Dependencies in SharePoint 2010
Details: We have seen 'Feature Dependencies' until MOSS 2007. Similarly have you ever felt the need of 'Solution Dependencies'? I am sure you might have felt and then here is how your need is fulfilled in SharePoint 2010. Now we can have solution dependencies and it comes with few rules that we need to understand that are mentioned as below.
Details: We have seen 'Feature Dependencies' until MOSS 2007. Similarly have you ever felt the need of 'Solution Dependencies'? I am sure you might have felt and then here is how your need is fulfilled in SharePoint 2010. Now we can have solution dependencies and it comes with few rules that we need to understand that are mentioned as below.
- Checks if dependant solution is available
- Does not deploy dependant solutions
- Checks for dependancy during the time of deployment
- Solution dependancy works for both kinds of solutions ( Farm / Sandboxed )
- Solution dependancy does not work on the combination of Farm / Sandboxed Solutions
- In situation when dependancy solution is not activated/deployed then activating/deploying dependant solution will fail.
- Opposite the above point # 6 will succeed.
- In case of dependancy solution is deactivated/retracted, dependant solution will still be activated/deployed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Solution xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/" SolutionId="CURRENT_SOLUTION_GUID" < <ActivationDependencies> <ActivationDependency SolutionId="DEPENDANT_SOLUTION_GUID"/> </ActivationDependencies> </Solution>