Title: Removing Group / User Permissions on the List Item
Details: Some point of time you will encounter a scenario that you would want to remove permission of a group or user for a specific list item. So, here is what can be done.
Step # 1: Create a Feature and on Activation, Add Event Receivers to the List / Document Library
Step # 2: On the Item Event Receiver, you can check for some validations ( or rules )etc and break the inheritance and remove the group.
Step # 3: On Feature Deactivation, make sure you delete the event handler on the list / documentlibrary
Details: Some point of time you will encounter a scenario that you would want to remove permission of a group or user for a specific list item. So, here is what can be done.
Step # 1: Create a Feature and on Activation, Add Event Receivers to the List / Document Library
web.Lists[docLibraryName].EventReceivers.Add(SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded, AssemblyName, ClassName);
Step # 2: On the Item Event Receiver, you can check for some validations ( or rules )etc and break the inheritance and remove the group.
private static void RemoveGroupPermissionsToTheItem(string groupName, SPWeb web, SPListItem listItem)
if (!listItem.HasUniqueRoleAssignments)
SPGroup group = web.SiteGroups[groupName];
Step # 3: On Feature Deactivation, make sure you delete the event handler on the list / documentlibrary
private void DeleteItemAddedEventReceiver(SPDocumentLibrary documentLibrary)
SPEventReceiverDefinitionCollection eventReceiverDefinitionCollection = documentLibrary.EventReceivers;
foreach (SPEventReceiverDefinition eventReceiverDefinition in eventReceiverDefinitionCollection)
if (eventReceiverDefinition.Assembly == AssemblyName && eventReceiverDefinition.Type == SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdded)