Here is the code and presentation
Title: Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Richmond
Date: Nov 21st 2009
Location: Massey Technology Center on the J. Sargeant Reynolds Parham Campus, Richmond, VA
Topic: Understanding and Programming Features in SharePoint
Details: This session provides an introduction to SharePoint Features. During the session, I will describe what features are, how powerful they are, and provide some practical approaches to using them. The session also covers concepts of Feature Stapling. The target audience for session includes Beginner and Mid level developers.
Title: Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Richmond
Date: Nov 21st 2009
Location: Massey Technology Center on the J. Sargeant Reynolds Parham Campus, Richmond, VA
Topic: Understanding and Programming Features in SharePoint
Details: This session provides an introduction to SharePoint Features. During the session, I will describe what features are, how powerful they are, and provide some practical approaches to using them. The session also covers concepts of Feature Stapling. The target audience for session includes Beginner and Mid level developers.