PDF Integration in SharePoint

1. Open DOCICON.XML file under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\ folder.

2. Add entry to the file as mentioned below (on all WFE's and Index servers)

<Mapping Key="pdf" Value="icpdf.gif" EditText="Adobe Acrobat" OpenControl="SharePoint.OpenDocuments" />

Note: EditText setting above will not work with Adobe Reader, it need to have professional version.

3. Get a 16x16 size pdf icon file from adobe (should be available on their site of just google it) and paste it to the below folder:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\IMAGES\

Make sure the name of the icon is 'icpdf.gif' or if you have it as xyz.gif then change the Value in above mapping tag.


Thats it! Simple isn't it?


Sandeep said…
This will only show an icon for PDF .. Ifilter still need to configured for complete integration so that search can get you PDF documents in the result set
Srini Sistla said…
Hey Sandeep, this post only explains about how to display the pdf icon in front of the uploaded pdf document since OOB the feature doesnt support PDF's. This setting will not extensively crawl underneath the pdf file content. If I need to do that, I would simply go to your blog post and get the settings on how to enable that :-)